Journal: Day 1
So today wasn't a bad day at all. It's okay considering I was staying away for almost 15 days from the routine. Didn't go to the morning walk though. Even though last night I went to bed at 12:30 p.m wasn't feeling sleepy before 2 p.m which resulted in waking up at 8 p.m. Need to find a solution for this.
Today I tried to read "The Divide"- Jason Hickel. Went through some parts from the first chapter. Here's a part I find worth mentionable -
"underdevelopment in the global South was not a natural condition, but a consequence of the way Western powers had organized the world system over hundreds of years."
I touched the french language after some time. Mostly revised things I learned before. Need to work on the pronunciation. So far I was only happy with trying to learn it. But feel like now I need to look at my outcomes from it. It's a different case for python though. I am still a beginner. So revised things I learned before especially the tuple, set, list, and dictionary.
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